What's This Blog About?

My mission prior to November, 2012 was to dig up quirky and fun resources one can use to help children learn about different subjects, whether you homeschool or not. There are very clever folks out there who ponder over unusual ways to interest a child in a topic; it's these clever people who intrigued me and their materials quickly became a big part of our homeschool curriculum during 4th, 5th and 6th grade*. Cleverness needs to be applauded, except, of course, if you happen to be training a velociraptor. Then clever takes on a different spin, eh?

After logging many hours hunting for homeschooling resources that are creative and wildly fun, I blogged back then to share these resources with you, to hopefully make your job as a teacher or parent (or both) more enjoyable!  We changed up our approach for 8th grade (2013-20104) and successfully followed an UNSCHOOLING way of life.  Heading into ninth grade we're adding back in some structure with a hefty chaser of interest-led learning using the services of an umbrella school to help guide us in the right direction.

I hope you find some useful information here to make those teachable moments with your kids more silly. Please take the best and leave the rest and by all means, speak up if you find a stellar resource that knocks your socks off.

Homeschooling has been one of the best decisions we made for our kiddo and for our family.  It's entirely possible to craft meaning into education via interest-led learning;  I witness it everyday and am completely enthralled by the process.  To watch the process of your child discovering his interests and talents is magic.  I cherish the breathing room that learning at home has created, where we are now.  I secretly and fervently wish the same opportunity for every single child on the face of this planet.    

*I included details of various unit studies we embarked upon in 4th-6th grade which you can use as reference points if you wish.  Click on the "Unit Studies" link under Categories in the left sidebar to take a look at them.
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