Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Great Number Rumble is a Great Resource

During this six-week mish-mash, experimental, go-where-we-will homeschool session, we are game to try anything! Last week was a fun start while we mixed science up with art, got into a good book by Gary Paulsen, explored the secret life of a honey bee hive, and started gathering information about some endangered animals. What's so different this time is that we are not following a unit study, so nothing really relates........technically. But that's okay! It's still learning and it's kind of liberating - I highly recommend being liberated now and then.

If you have been following this blog, you have probably read accolades about the joys of a living math approach, one that is detailed in this site, Julie Brennan more than convinced me that this is a realistic and thoughtful approach to laying a solid foundation for a healthy math brain. So far so good and we'll continue skipping down this path.
For this six-week session we're reading a story about a school district that decided to cull math from the general curriculum. You could almost hear the collective shrieks of delight from the students jump from the pages when the announcement was made by the principal. Every student was rejoicing, even the teachers were breathing a sigh of relief at the thought of not having to deal with math. One student, however, was appalled at the new development and decided to convince the principal and all concerned parties that math is vital to EVERYTHING!

Sam, the pro-math student, uses each chapter to prove his point. Art, music, bicycles, computer-generated graphics (i.e., movies) nook is left unexplored. Plus sprinkled in amongst all of this interesting stuff are short biographies of famous mathematicians going back to the Greeks as well as thought-provoking sections on the weirder things that involve math.

Here's the book. I've highlighted it in a previous math post, but didn't get too specific. Now that we've cracked the cover, I can truly give it a thumbs up:

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